Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Thought For Thursday - Busy But Happy


Obviously I have been slacking BIG TIME on posting here. Why? I've been SUPER busy.

I've picked up a part-time job at a place I love, where I work two mornings a week and any extra hours or parties that come up. Thanks to last week's extra hours and a wedding on Saturday, I was there for nine hours and my feet were throbbing. (For the record, I didn't need this job, I just love the place. Of course, extra cash doesn't hurt!)

I've been deciding where I want to take this little blog of mine. I'm still new to blogging, but I decided I need artwork that says, "Hey, this is my blog; it's fun, come read it!" I have lots of blog friends that make amazing graphic designs...but once I decided art needed done, I knew exactly whose work I wanted. (Big things are in the works: The artwork is AMAZING. The blog will be moving. - Wait, what?! Yep...stay tuned.)

Of course, I've been working my regular job on top of this...

...and I met an amazing guy.

Yes, I am busy...but I am happy.

Have a good day friends!




  1. All of that sounds GOOD, lady. Most of the time, I'm happier when I'm busier. ;)

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I'm excited to see your blog makeover!! And moving ... your blog is moving or you are moving? So many things going on, come back and fill us in!



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